Reasons That You Have Mold Developed in Your Basement in San Diego Ca

Causes of Basement Mold in San Diego

Are your eyes getting itchy and watery? It could be a seasonal flu, or it could be the growing mold in your basement. The mold repair companies in San Diego predict that even if your basement appears to be clean, mold can be growing in the hidden cracks taking a toll on you and your house. 

Effects of Mold 

Depending on your mold sensitivity and allergic reactions, molds can cause some severe health issues for you or your family. If you are experiencing an itchy throat, a stuffy nose, or an irritation in your eyes than a basement mold could be blamed. In some cases, it can also cause skin rashes or itchiness now and then. People who are allergic to molds or have a sinus/bronchial infection or asthma can undergo immune system complications that can negatively affect their health. Knowing what causes mold can help you or your family from developing allergic symptoms. 

Causes of Mold 

Moisture is one of the basic elements in forming a mold, but there is more to a mold buildup than just that. 

Excess Moisture 

If you have any spills, cracks, or leaks in your foundation then they become home for molds. Molds can also start forming during high humid weather conditions. It is best to use air conditioning in the summers or install a dehumidifier in your basement to prevent molds. 


Excess water pooled in your basement is never a good idea. Flooding can cause water leaks that settle in your basement area. If you don’t try drying the flood water 24 hours within flood water entering your basement, then you can have a mold problem already. 


As windows, cold pipes, doors, and concrete floors are cold during the winters – once the weather changes excess condensation can take place resulting in vapor formation in these areas. The areas near condensed doors and floors can cause the mold to grow. If you have a carpet on your concrete floor, it can lead to the spread of mold. 

Poor Ventilation

A poor ventilation system means more moisture in the air which can cause the stagnant air in the basement to cause mold. Apart from this, a dirty filter in your HVAC can also cause mildew. Moisture forms in the air from daily cleaning, cooking, and bathing activities. If there isn’t a proper ventilation system or fans to dry the air then a mold development can take place.

Final Preventive Measures 

Dealing with a mold buildup on your own is never a fun situation. To eliminate the existing growth of mold, make sure you dry the area as much as possible after a thorough cleanup. That said, you can also look up the best mold repair companies in San Diego to get the job done for you.  Contact us today!

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