Discovering Mold For The First Time In San Diego? Don’t Touch It

Discovering Mold For The First Time In San Diego?

When you discover mold growing in your home, it can be a terrifying experience. Not only is it an immediate health concern, but also, if not removed properly, the mold will continue to grow and spread at alarming rates.

Mold can lead to structural damage to your home, respiratory problems like asthma or allergies, and even toxic black mold, which is dangerous for anyone who breathes it in or comes into contact with it. If you do suspect that you have mold growing within your home, don’t panic; there are some steps you can take to address this problem safely and effectively!

Step 1: Don’t Touch It!

If you notice water damage on drywall, sheetrock, around windows, doors, or any other areas where water has seeped through your walls, do not touch it. Mold needs the following to grow: Moisture, air, and nutrients. By touching or disturbing the mold spores, you are releasing them into the air, making it easier for them to reproduce if they find further moisture in your home.

Step 2: Cover It Up!

If you have just noticed mold growing in your home, don’t attempt to clean it up yourself. The best thing that you can do is contain the area around the mold so that when you contact a professional later on, they will know exactly which area of your home to focus their attention on. You can accomplish this by sealing off the affected area with plastic sheeting and securing it with duct tape.

Step 3: Educate Yourself On The Different Types Of Mold You’re Dealing With

Of course, mold comes in different colors and forms, but not all mold is bad for you. Some types are even edible! The most dangerous type of mold is black mold which can grow on drywall, wood, paper, and other surfaces where moisture seeps through. This colorless, odorless fungus can lead to various health issues, including respiratory problems, infections, migraines, and more! Additionally, some molds are more toxic than others. If you suspect that there is a certain type growing in your home, it may be best to contact a professional who knows how to safely remove these types without harming you or your family.

Step 4: Check With Your Insurance Provider About Mold Coverage

Before getting in touch with a professional mold removal service, check around and see if your insurance provider offers any sort of benefit for the removal of mold. If they do offer this service, it will be much easier to contact them first and schedule an appointment so that your home can be restored safely and quickly!


You may get in touch with Smart Dry Restoration and give us a call at (858) 433-5100 to avail of our services in San Diego, CA.

Smart Dry Restoration
Address: 8910 Activity Rd Ste A San Diego CA 92126
Phone: (858) 433-5100

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