Types Of Mold Commonly Found In Homes In San Diego

Types Of Mold Commonly Found In Homes In San Diego

Mold is one of the most common household problems that people face in their homes. Not only can it be difficult to identify, but there are also different types of mold that you need to know about. This blog post will discuss what type of mold is found in homes.

Types Of Mold Commonly Found In Homes

Mold can be found in both indoor and outdoor settings. It is caused by a fungus that lives on organic matter, such as wood or plants. This type of mold needs moisture to grow and multiply. Knowing how to identify different types of mold can help make the process easier when removing them from your home’s surfaces. 

An experienced contractor will also know exactly which methods to use for each type of mold so it doesn’t return after cleaning up at your property.

There are many different types of toxic mold that can cause serious health problems in humans, such as:

  •   Aspergillus, which is the most common form of this type and typically affects people who suffer from asthma. This type spreads easily when there is a lot of moisture on surfaces where it grows rapidly. It has been known to cause infections inside the lungs and other respiratory system issues if left alone for extended periods before being cleaned up.
  •   Stachybotrys Chartarum (Black Toxic Mold), which may also be referred to as black mold by homeowners who aren’t aware of all molds that grow indoors or around their homes regularly. 

While not everyone will experience severe reactions like fever, coughs, or headaches, this type of mold can be very dangerous to those with allergies or immune-related disorders. It is also known for causing serious symptoms in infants and children if it grows inside the home on surfaces that are frequently touched throughout the day.

  •   Penicillium, which may show up as green spots indoors when there has been a lot of moisture buildup close by where it starts growing rapidly. This form isn’t considered toxic because most people won’t experience any symptoms from being exposed to small amounts over time, even though penicillin is derived from this fungus naturally found everywhere around us all year long too!

If you think there’s an infestation of mold in your home, it’s best to call Smart Dry Restoration right away. We’ll be able to come out and inspect your property for further assistance with removing any excess mold that may have spread throughout the house or in specific areas where it’s likely located. Give us a call today at (858) 433-5100!


You may contact our group of experts at Smart Dry Restoration to get rid of mold growth in your house today by giving us a call at (858) 433-5100 in San Diego, CA.

Smart Dry Restoration
Address: 8910 Activity Rd Ste A San Diego CA 92126
Phone: (858) 433-5100

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