How To Clean Up Water Damage After A Pipe Bursts In San Diego

How To Clean Up Water Damage After A Pipe Bursts In San Diego

Once a pipe bursts, the first thing you must do is shut off the water supply. If you can’t reach the main valve or it has already frozen over, turn off all of the individual faucets and valves in your home.

What Causes Pipes To Burst?

The next step to cleaning up any water damage left behind by burst pipes is to figure out how bad things are at your home. Remove anything that may be spoiled in your refrigerator – this includes food, condiments, and cooking oil – as well as trash from your garbage disposal. Turn on ceiling fans and open windows if you get a chance to circulate air through affected areas. In most cases, these steps will help reduce humidity levels so that mold won’t be able to grow.

If the water damage was minimal, you might not even need to call a plumber. Mop up any standing water with towels or rags, and then find a mastic sealant that is compatible with your pipes. Some sinks come with special fittings for just such an emergency, and using the right adhesive will save you from having to take apart your sink and replace the entire plumbing assembly.

You can also stop water leaks in any other part of your plumbing by tightening the bolts on fixtures like showerheads and faucets. This should only take about 20 minutes per repair job if there are no complications – but keep in mind that freezing temperatures make this very difficult, if not impossible!

What’s the Benefit Of Having Pros Help You With A Burst Pipe?

When you choose to have a burst pipe fixed, you can receive immediate assistance that is actually worth the money. If your pipes are beyond repair and need replacing, you’ll want someone to come in as soon as possible. A professional will be able to offer advice on how long it will take for things like drywall and carpeting to get dry – and they can also help prevent mold from forming if there is too much humidity in the air.

At any point, after water damage has been cleaned up, mold will start to grow at an alarming rate. The longer it goes unchecked, the harder it will be to eradicate! That’s why it’s important to call a professional plumber right away when you notice a burst pipe.


Smart Dry Restoration is known to have satisfied their customers in their every need. Our team of experts is highly skilled and aims to keep the customers delighted by our work. So give us a call at (858) 433-5100 today to avail of our services in San Diego, CA.

Smart Dry Restoration
Address: 8910 Activity Rd Ste A San Diego CA 92126
Phone: (858) 433-5100

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